Did Former Stockton Police Chief Copy Former Yahoo CEO?

A couple of months ago, the CEO of Yahoo, Scott Thompson, resigned. The likely cause was his resume flap. He had said he graduated with a bachelor's degree in accounting and computer science from Stonehill College. It was later discovered that his degree was in accounting only. Lying on your resume is stupid.


Sure, people do it. It is still stupid.

So, I was surprised to read about former Police Chief Ulring bowing out of the running for the Police Chief job in Spokane because of a possible issue with the education on his resume.

As an optimist, I am sure that there is a very reasonable explanation. Regardless, if there was even a hint of doubt in the legitimacy of the university, it should not have been listed.

This should serve as a reminder to all: it doesn't pay to be less than 100% honest and transparent on your resume. Companies and hiring managers are more connected than they have ever been and can quickly sniff out lies, inconsistencies, and exaggerations.




money.cnn.com/2012/05/13/technology/yahoo-ceo-out/index.htm recordnet.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20120725/A_NEWS/207250325 spokesman.com/stories/2012/jul/24/chief-candidates-resume-questioned/