My Take On Ten Job Interview Myths Debunked

Like many Stocktonians, I still have a sour taste in my mouth about a certain New York magazine that, conveniently starts with the letter F. So, imagine my surprise when, after I was reading something on Yahoo, I realized it came from that magazine (the name of which I won't write here) even though their name was everywhere in there.

But the article was good enough that I wanted to discuss it here.

10 Job Interview Myths Debunked

There is a great deal of truth in many of these.

Some key myths:

  • The interviewer is prepared. This is a very sad truth. Don't assume that your interviewer knows anything about you, even if they've had your resume for weeks. What does that mean for you? Don't be shocked when you are asked something that is clearly on your resume or cover letter. And never say things like, "well, it's right there on my resume."
  • The interviewer wants additional materials like references. Many times, candidates I interview bring extra resumes or other materials with them and forcefully hand to them me. Not necessarily a good first impression. What does that mean for you? It is a great idea to bring extra copies of your resume, preferably in a simple portfolio. Without opening your portfolio, ask your interviewer if they'd like a copy. Just the paper, please, don't dress it up with a fancy plastic cover.
  • The most qualified person gets the job. Your ability to do the job matters. But that's not the only thing on which hiring managers are evaluating you. You need to be easy to work with, and you need to be a good environmental fit. In other words, will you get along with your co-workers, other colleagues, and your manager? And will you be easy to supervise? You may be the most qualified candidate, but qualification isn't everything. What does this mean for you? Don't focus all of your energy on selling your prospective employer on your skills alone to the expense of who you are as an employee. Find out all you can about the environment in the workplace. Take all interview questions seriously, even those that have more to do with how you work rather than your actual work.
Read the rest of the myths here.